Friday, April 13, 2012

If I had a chance

If I had a chance to change the history, I would try to change the events from 2001, September 11. This is the date when the Radical Islamists - Al-Qaeda- attacked the United States, flying into the buildings of World Trade Centre. The attack resulted in 2,753 deaths. Imagining that I actually can influence the events of that day, and keeping in mind that my only weapon, except for my brain, is a sonic screwdriver, I'd probably change the direction of the two jets. In this way, I'd avoid the crash and a horrible tragedy of people being killed. Apart from the most important aspect, which would be saving people's lives, in this way, the relations between Muslim people and Americans would not become that tensed. Unfortunately, nobody can go back in time and change anything. But we can remember and respect the memories of the victims. As a tribute:

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